TSC WAT PBBS Billing Report

Fleets in the state of Victoria, Australia are required to submit a report to the Victorian Taxi Directorate (VTD) Network Service Provider (NSP) Wheelchair Accessible Taxi (WAT) Data Report to claim for servicing wheelchair jobs. The report contains the information required by the VTD in the format requested by them.

TSC Billing Report

The first few parameters on the report allow you to specify the fleet and dates that the report is applicable for. Change these as required.


The next 3 parameters relate to the expected performance criteria specified by the TSC are set to the standard values for country taxi fleets and would only need to be changed if your contract specifies something different to those shown.


The last option is how the MPTP jobs will be calculated by the report. If the drivers or base is filling in the “list fee” for all the jobs accurately then the first option “Determine MPTP jobs using lift fee” should be used. See the this link for more details on how to collect or correct this information.

Alternatively the second option of “Determine MPTP jobs using WAT attribute” can be used instead. Note that this will simply use the “WAT” attribute as the definition of an MPTP job and it requires the user to define 2 extra fields to specify the number of non-MPTP jobs that need to be subtracted from these WAT jobs. This would generally be done by determining the number of vouchers for lift fees that have been collected and subtracting them from the total number of WAT jobs that the report generated (i.e. generate the report multiple times to determine initial numbers that need adjusting). Note that this method is less accurate since Hail work will not have attributes associated with it.


Once all the settings have been specified generate the report by clicking the button “Generate Report”


The report generated should be a PDF file with 2 pages. The first page contains all the information required by the TSC in schedule 2. Simply transcribe the numbers in the PDF report into the Excel template and send them to your TSC contact person.

The second page of the report contains the estimated calculations of the overall service level (OSL) and an estimated rebate amount. If these numbers vary significantly from what the TSC reports back then please let us know so that we can rectify any issues with the report.

TSC Raw Data Report

On this page is also a “Generate Raw Data” button. This will generate the raw data for the dates specified above in the format requested by the TSC in schedule 3. Note that this report takes quite a while to generate (up to 10 minutes for larger fleets) so please start this report and then look for the results in the “Previously Generated Reports” section of fleet management. Note that these reports can be retrieved from this location by the user that generated them for up to 3 days later.


Specifications (2013)

The TSC WAT PBBS Billing Report generates the data according to “Schedule 2 – Key Performance Indicators” of the WAT PBBS Contract 2013.

The TSC Raw Data Report generates the data according to “Schedule 3 – Reporting Requirements” of the WAT PBBS Contract 2013.

The Overall Service Level will be calculated according to the following weightings which were effective at the date of the creation of the report



Minimum standard


Response Time (Schedule 2, cls 1.1.1, 3)

Ready to ride

12 minutes



10 minutes


NSP Servicing (Schedule 2, cls 1.1.2, 4)

Servicing time

5 minutes


The report currently uses the following OSL payout table which was effective at the date of the creation of the report:

Overall Service Level Achieved (OSL)

% of WAT Booking Fee the NSP is entitled to

100 – 95%

OSL = 95%


95 – 90%

95% > OSL = 90%


90 – 80%

90% > OSL = 80%


80 – 70%

80% > OSL =70%


70 – 60%

70% > OSL = 60%


60 – 50%

60% > OSL =50%


Below 50%

OSL < 50%
